2004  9th Past Presidents Dinner 19th April 2003-04,Organised by Immediate Past President Barry Wood who contributed to the evening by supplying the port with the cheese. Wine for the evening was presented by Tom Wilson and Henry Doig Liqueurs provided by our guest for the evening President Jim Anderson

Fourteen Rotarians in attendance were Jim Anderson (2003-04), Iain Wiseman (1998-99), Barry Wood (2002-03),Tom Wilson(2001-02), Alan Rae (2000-01),  Barclay Wales(1997-98), Andrew Ferguson (1999-00), Edwin Robertson (1994-95), David Taylor (1992-93), John Kilpatrick (1980-81), Tom Gilfillan (1973-74), Gordon McNay (1970-71), Ian Macpherson (1984-85), Bob Duncan (1985-86), Bob Jardine(1995-96)

Photographs by Past President Andrew Ferguson
2002-03 8th Past Presidents Dinner

Iain Wiseman (1998-99), Barry Wood (2002-03),Tom Wilson(2001-02), Alan Rae (2000-01),  Barclay Wales (1997-98), Andrew Ferguson (1999-00), Edwin Robertson (1994-95), David Taylor (1992-93), Ian Macpherson (1984-85), Bob Duncan (1985-86), Bob Jardine (1995-96) Henry Doig (1988-89) Andrew Gold (1977-78), David Mackay (1976-77)

Photographs by Past President Edwin Robertson
Here we have a record of our

Past Presidents Annual Dinner

Picture Record 2003- 04
Picture Record 2003
7th Past Presidents Dinner 2001-02
David   Taylor Andrew Ferguson Supplied the Red & White wine with our guest President Tom Wilson following the pattern of previous guests provided the after dinner drinks        Standing L to R Alan Rae, Andrew Ferguson, David Taylor, Barclay Wales, Tom Wilson,  Iain Wiseman, Edwin Robertson,
Sitting L to R  Ian MacPherson, Tom Gilfillan, John Kilpatrick, Bob Duncan, Henry Doig and John Givens
6th Past Presidents Dinner 2000-01
There was only one picture taken at this evenings Dinner but we did have 16 past presidents in attendance
Standing LtoR Andrew Gold (1977-78), Edwin Robertson (1994-95),Tom Gilfillan (1973-74),David McNidder(1987-88), Bob Jardine(1995-96) John Givens(1996-97), Ian Macpherson (1984-85),  Barclay Wales(1997-98), David Taylor (1992-93),Andrew Ferguson (1999-00), Seated LtoR    Gordon Cook(1990-91), Peter Baker (1983-84),Bob Duncan (1985-86), Alan Rae (2000-01),David Mackay (1976 -77) Henry Doig (1988-89),John Kilpatrick (1980-81),

5th Past Presidents Dinner 1999-00
Dinner organised by Past President Edwin  Robertson. Wine purchased by Barclay Wales and Edwin Robertson President Andrew Ferguson purchased our after dinner drinks

Iain Wiseman (1998-99),  Barclay Wales (1997-98), Andrew Ferguson (1999-00), Edwin Robertson (1994-95),  Ian Macpherson (1984-85), Bob Duncan (1985-86), Bob Jardine (1995-96) Henry Doig (1988-89) Andrew Gold (1977-78), David Mackay (1976-77), John Kilpatrick(1980-81), Tom Gilfillan(1973-74)
2nd Past Presidents Dinner 1996 -97 Pictures were not taken other than the official one by the press but at least we know who were there. 19 out of 23 was indeed a good attendance. Andrew McLaren and Edwin Robertson donated the wine,  President John Givens purchased the after dinner drinks.
Nineteen Past Presidents in attendance were Back Row left to right  Andrew Mclaren(1993-94), Bob Jardine(1995-96 Edwin Robertson (1994-95),Tom Gilfillan(1973-74), Jimmy Neilson (1979-80),John Givens((1996-97),Archie McIntosh(1982-83),David McNidder(1987-88),Eric Barr(1986-87), John M. Clark(1981-82), Seated Left to right Ian Macpherson (1984-85), Gordon Cook(1990-91), Bob Duncan (1985-86), Peter McCree(1974-75),Andrew Gold (1977-78),  David Mackay (1976-77), John Kilpatrick (1980-81), Gordon McNay (1970-71),  Henry Doig  (1988-89)
4th Past Presidents Dinner 1998-99

Unfortunately for the year 1998-99 the photographer for the local newspaper did not turn up & worse still none of our illustrious Past Presidents had a camera, hence no record of the event taking place but I can assure you the Dinner took place in the Torrance hotel.

Edwin Robertson

3rd Past Presidents Dinner 1997-98
In Attendance:-
Sitting left to right Henry Doig(1988-89), David Mackay (1976-77), Andrew Gold ( (1977-78) Barclay Wales (1997-98) Alf Matthews(1972-73),  Standing right to left Eric Barr (1986-87), Ian Macpherson(194-85), Tom Gilfillan (1973-76), John Givens (1996-97) Edwin Robertson (1994-95), Bob Duncan (1985-86)
Picture Record 1997-98
1st Past Presidents Dinner 1995
The First dinner took place at the Torrance Hotel East Kilbride in the month of February . The dinner was in a way an experimental situation to establish how well it may be supported. Immediate Past President Edwin Robertson chaired the formal, come informal evening where it was agreed that past presidents who were no longer Rotarians would be invited along to our next year's dinner. In Addition the current President of the club in a Rotary year would be invited as the Past  Presidents Guests. No photographs were taken.
Picture Record 1999-00
East Kilbride Rotary Club